Tuesday, 27 May 2014

How a Realtor Can Sell Two to Three More Homes Monthly

Realtor's - Do You Want to Sell More Homes?

This simple strategy can help you sell at least 2 to 3 more homes every month. This is no mystery. This is no magic formula it is just simply increasing the number of qualified buyers in your sales pipeline. I am sure you have had an open house, advertised a property for sale, put a yard sign out on a property you have listed and otherwise just marketed a home to receive lots of calls. I am sure when you receive those calls you ultimately want to build a relationship with the buyers and if they are not represented, you would like to represent them in their home search. As you pre-qualify them you want know if they are ready to buy now or when they will be ready to purchase a new home. I am not a Realtor Estate Agent or Broker but I am sure all agents and brokers know that most of these shoppers are not mortgage ready. Many R. E. professionals choose not to work with them until they are mortgage ready. This may be a very big missed opportunity.

In today's financial climate the majority of non home owners do not have the credit score to qualify to purchase a new home. Many are close and just need to learn a few minor ideas to improve their credit profile. Many more need major work to become credit qualified. There is a common misconception that if you just pay your bills on time you will have a good credit score. The reality is that how you pay your bills only account for about 35% of your credit score. When you turn that around 65% of your credit score has nothing to do with how you pay your bills.

But lets assume the potential customer pays on time and all other factors line up so a customer should have an acceptable credit score. Recent Studies have shown that 4 out of 5 Americans have erroneous information on their credit reports. This means that the majority of your potential clients could have information on their reports to stop them from purchasing the home they otherwise can afford and would qualify for.

What about those who have had financial setbacks following "The Great Recession"? Loss of job, short sales, foreclosures, bankruptcies, medical bills, slow payments, collections, etc . This stuff is real! IT IS REAL LIFE! Yet, the consumer protection laws dictate how the information is reported and the burden of proof is really on the creditor. Even though the credit reporting agencies get the information from the creditors, consumers have the right to demand proof that the debt is truly theirs and is reported properly or the credit reporting agency must remove the information from the credit report.

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